
Call for articles: Food Sovereignty in practice
September 22nd, 2016

Deadline 1 december 2016 For many people, food sovereignty remains an abstract term. Therefore, Farming Matters believes the time has come to ‘unpack’ it. What does food sovereignty look like in practice? And how is it taking shape in Europe, specifically? How do efforts to gain food sovereignty in Europe influence the rest of the … Read moreCall for articles: Food Sovereignty in practice

Call for articles: Strengthening pastoralist societies through improved governance
June 20th, 2016

The December issue of Farming Matters aims to inform pastoralist communities, practitioners, researchers, civil society, policy makers and others about the practices and policies best fitted to strengthen pastoralist societies. Articles should be submitted before September 1. Pastoralist communities provide meat, hide, dairy, and manure fuel, supporting about 200 million households in places of the … Read moreCall for articles: Strengthening pastoralist societies through improved governance

Call for articles: Measuring the impact of agroecology
March 23rd, 2016

The September issue of Farming Matters will explore how to better prove the effectivenes of agroecology. Agriculture and the rural world perform important roles in addressing the multiple crises of today: hunger and malnutrition, poverty, climate change, environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity, water, gender inequity and health. The Sustainable Development Goals, recently endorsed by the … Read moreCall for articles: Measuring the impact of agroecology

Call for articles: Co-creating knowledge in agroecology
September 22nd, 2015

Deadline: 1 December 2015 Knowledge building and sharing are central to agroecology and family farming. It is a dynamic process and knowledge increases by sharing and learning; both practice and theory are important. Each farm and each community is unique. Given the great diversity of agroecosystems the world over, there is a need to continuously … Read moreCall for articles: Co-creating knowledge in agroecology

Call for articles: Women and agroecology
June 9th, 2015

Deadline: 1 September 2015. Women are strong drivers of agroecological change in farming and consumer communities. One example is the women’s movement for agrobiodiverse, pesticide-free crop production in India. In other places, women experiment with intercropping, vegetable box schemes and seed exchanges. What motivates them? And what role does agroecology play in improving the lives … Read moreCall for articles: Women and agroecology

Call for contributions: The water issue
March 26th, 2010

Water is a scarce resource, and one which is unevenly distributed. Estimates say that only one percent of the world’s water resources are fresh and renewable, and thus available for man’s many uses. Agriculture uses 70 percent of this, and much more water is required if we are to increase production. Population growth, deforestation, urbanisation, … Read moreCall for contributions: The water issue